Tim Sprauge


Tim is a Psychologist, Executive Coach, Facilitator and HR Professional. Tim combines business experience from the C-suite of large organisations with a diverse set of coaching, psychology and adult learning tools and techniques in a tailored approach to meet individual learning needs.
Tim has more than twenty-five years’ experience across all levels of large organisations, working as HR Director in three organisations including Macquarie University and the Australian Graduate School of Management and has also worked as a member of boards.

Expertise / Specialisation

  • Executive Coaching to lift performance
  • Career planning and preparation
  • Facilitation and coaching of teams
  • Systems thinking and creativity.
  • Psychological tools and feedback

Business Experience

  • Director, The Coaching Practice
  • HR Director, Macquarie University
  • HR Director, Australian Graduate School of
  • HR Director and Senior HR roles –Banking
    and Finance

Education / Business Coaching

  • Master of Science in Coaching Psychology,
  • Master of Commerce in HR Studies, UNSW
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Psychology,
  • Diploma of Education, Sydney
  • Professional Certificate of Advanced study in
    Coaching Supervision – Oxford-Brookes