Silver Medals Disappoint Human nature is full of quirks, including that at the Olympics and Paralympics bronze medallists seem happier with their result than silver medallists. In workplaces, it’s best not to put good staff in the position of silver medallists. Read more in the Hardwired Humans newsletter below, from Andrew O’Keeffe
When the Titanic sank, the iceberg got the blame. But it was more complex than that, with the disaster culminating from a sequence of poor leadership decisions. The nature of those decisions has close parallels with our current pandemic. Read August’s newsletter by Andrew O’Keeffe, Hardwired Humans
Hardwired Humans Newsletter_Change Management During COVID_June 2020 Change Management During COVID Experiences of how COVID restrictions affect us personally helps workplaces leaders better implement change in their organisations Read more in the Hardwired Humans newsletter by Andrew O’Keeffe