Kate Tucker
Kate has 25 years experience working in team leadership development and organisational development in a wide range of sectors. Kate developed a strong grounding through senior roles in HR management and organisational transformation at scale with ANZ and BHP Petroleum and then in Asia with US/German high tech firm Acterna Asia Pacific.
Since 2004 Kate has led her own consultancy working to build the leadership and adaptive capacity of individual leaders, leadership teams and organisations. As a coach, Kate focuses on being present, prepared to shift from the technical to the adaptive, the inner and outer game of leadership, the conceptual to the practical in the service of cultivating her coachees’ capacity to thrive and achieve their goals. Kate’s clients place a high value on her ability to respond flexibly and creatively to their needs, her broad and deep skills set and ability to transition seamlessly from coach, consultant and facilitator as required.
Kate’s varied body of consulting, coaching and facilitation is distinguished by international and Australian government and industry recognition. In 2017, Kate lead a year long senior leadership program in collaboration with Marty Linsky, Harvard University, (co-author, Adaptive Leadership).
Kate’s personable yet poised approach enables her to work with leaders from C-suite right through to front line. She is regularly called upon for her expertise in working with executive leaders to mobilise teams to lean into disruption and for building the adaptive, collaborative and performance capacity of teams.
Coaching Experience
Kate currently provides Senior executive coaching for individual and teams and her coaching expertise includes:
Coaching executive teams to address identified business challenges
Cultivating deep personal resilience when leading in challenging contexts
Building psychological safety and engagement in teams to foster teaming
Facilitating team development including intervening in difficult team dynamics, conflict and high stakes conversations
Consulting and coaching leaders undertaking organisational transformations
Convening Post Action Reviews, Reflective Practice and Action Learning
Kate’s clients include; PWC, Ernst and Young, KPMG, Allens, DLA Piper, QUT, Canberra University, QLD Health, Melbourne Health, SA Health, Robert Bosch, Pac Brands, McCormick Foods and Vanguard Investments
Assessment accreditations include; The Leadership Circle, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Saville Holdsworth Pyschometric Assessments