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Silver Medals Disappoint

Silver Medals Disappoint

Silver Medals Disappoint Human nature is full of quirks, including that at the Olympics and Paralympics bronze medallists seem happier with their result than silver medallists. In workplaces, it’s best not to put good staff in the position of silver medallists. Read more in the Hardwired Humans newsletter below, from Andrew O’Keeffe  

Let’s Face It

Let’s Face It

There’s a key reason why Zoom is useful during lockdown – humans read faces.  But the significance of ‘face’ also explains the struggles we experience with video conferencing. Read Andrew O’Keeffe, Hardwired Humans, latest thoughts around Zoom meetings.

Change at the top

Change at the top

Over the last few months three significant Australian institutions have changed their top leader. In these vastly different organisations, we see what unfolds when a top leader changes, whether in organisations or chimp communities, the political fallout is predictable. Knowing our natural tendencies helps leaders make good choices. Read more in the latest Hardwired Humans […]