Being your best self for New Year

Being your best /ideal self is not something that just happens, it an evolutionary process that requires reflection and is further aided by the support of a coach. The Christmas holiday and New Year period offers the perfect time to create some reflective space when you can look back at your achievements from the past year and look ahead to your future aspirations. To be your best / ideal self also requires self-awareness and motivation to change. Boyatzis believes the best / ideal self is built on an image of a desired future. To this you add hope – the belief you can achieve your desired future, your dream.   The final ingredient is comprehensive self-insight, an understanding of your personality, of who you are and why you are as you are. Coaching helps you become your best/ideal self, the person you are when you most like yourself, when you’re achieving what you want, doing what you love, with those who matter most to you. Coaching supports you make changes to be your best self as most of us find we can’t get there on our own.